Sunday, April 13, 2008

They Call Me TaterSalad!

This weekend we were lucky enough to see Ron White, from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, on stage. In one word, he was absolutely HILARIOUS! Now granted, you have to have his sense of humor and just run with it, and apparently I am right there with him. If you ever have a chance to see him, it is a very good show.

I have been reading quite a bit lately. When I get stresses, this is the one of two things that takes it away almost instantly. I won't mention the other. So I thought I would take the monsterous load of books I have read and review them for your pleasure :)

I guess most of the books I have read lately are by Sophie Kinsella, who's real name is Madeline Wickham. Each penname has many books written under it and most are worth checking out.

Remember me? by Sophie Kinsella

This book is by far Sophie's best work. An absolutely hilarious story of a fun chick losing her memory and realizing things aren't always how they seem. Very funny!

The Tennis Party by Madeline Wickham

Unfortunately, I was not able to read more than the first chapter in this book. It just didn't grab me at all.

Big Boned by Meg Cabot.

This is in a series of books about Heather Wells, a retired Princess of Pop. I highly recommend any of the books in this series. They are a very good, quick read.

This is literally just a tiny sample of what I have read lately. I read books so quickly and just move on. I am definitely a series fan, because I like to know more of the story. Now I am on to Plum Lucky by Janet Evanovich.

Have a great rest of the weekend!

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