Sunday, July 26, 2009

Week 15: Clean the Carpets

Week 15: Clean the Carpets

This week I borrowed my in-law's Deep Clean Carpet Cleaner and got to business in the hallway. The hallway is where we get most of the traffic on the carpet and it can get pretty bad since we have a tendency to wear our shoes at any given time. I try to do this once a year and it always helps.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Week 14: Replace Outdoor Lighting

Week 14: Replace Outdoor Lighting

This week we decided to replace the outdoor lighting on the house. I went from store to store to find just the right lights and settled on a set from Home Depot. We got the lights home and found that one lamp had been put on the shelf with missing parts and it was completely broken. So after a 2 hour trek to a different Home Depot, I found the right light and everything was grand. I love the results!



Sunday, July 12, 2009

Week 13: Replace Dryer

Week 13: Replace Dryer

This week we replaced our old dryer with a *new* to us dryer. My in-laws were replacing their dryer and offered us their not so old dryer and we took them up on the offer. Now our laundry appliances some what match and we have a much bigger drum for better quality drying. Not a big thing, but big enough to make me smile :)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Week 12: Replace Closet Door Knobs

Week 12: Replace Closet Door Knobs

I have mentioned before that our house is from the classic 90s motif: Brass. All contractor brass. I mean these guys had to get the mother of all bulk deals with all the brass we have in this house. Slowly we are replacing it with what we find more neutral and this week it was the closet door handles. Each handle was about $4. They are nice and beefy and look great. Yay for less brass!

