Monday, March 10, 2008

It got me Captain...

Well, I finally got it. The flu has been going around like nobody's business and it finally snuck up on me and threw me down a flight of stairs a few hundred times. I feel like death!

Under weird circumstances, I had to go into work this morning, but was able to get a sub for the afternoon. I spent it sleeping only to have Tyler wake me up when he got home at 5. To say the least, I needed the rest.

My day has consisted of sleep, sniffles, and fever.... I can only hope tomorrow is less of the same.

This flu season has been something else. My students have been dropping like flies. Schools have even been closing due to lack of attendance. That's when you know it is bad. And to think people bother to get the flu shot and then it goes and mutates on us!

We have been relatively busy lately. We visited with our family this past weekend and helped to move in my brother and his wife into their new home. It is a beautiful place. I am really proud of him.

We are looking forward to heading down South for Easter and staying with my parents for a few days. The bulbs in the garage are starting to sprout, so we know Spring is in the air. This time change has really thrown us for a loop. How have you done with it?

Thanks for checking in!


Anonymous said...

Sure hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Yuck...I was knocked out with the flu last week, so I completely feel your pain. It's definitely no fun.

Hopefully you've bounced back in force! Love you!!