Saturday, December 23, 2006

Wii Wii Wii... oh yah, and Happy 23rd Birthday, Josh!

It has been a long time since I have had the pleasure of blogging. It is 7:30am on the 23rd and I have been up for about half an hour. It is my Holiday Break and I can't even sleep in. Oh well!

Time has really flown by since my last post. There has been lots of shopping, baking and holiday fun. The day of my last post, Tyler came home with a Wii and that has been our lives since. That gaming system is as addicting as I could imagine. It is crazy, but so much fun. It has been great!

In early December, I had a chance to take a class from Ali Edwards over at the Scrapping Bee in Springfield, which just happened to be right after the huge ice storm they had. So that was an interesting trip. I will have to post a picture of the finished project when I get home.

We are at the in-laws for a few days gearing up to head down to TN the day after Christmas. I am excited but more nervous than usual. Too much family stuff has happened in the last visit to make this one.. I dunno, it's weird. I just want to belnd in to the background when I am down there and not be made such a big deal of.

After the holidays, we begin the journey to our new home. We have two houses we are interested in and can't wait to see the inside. I can't believe the day is here and we can look for a house.... our home!

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