Sunday, June 14, 2009

Week 9: Clean the Chair Railing

Week 9: Clean the Chair Railing
This week is a pretty easy challenge, but the results are well worth it. When you are at home a lot, things just seem to hide from you. Not long ago, I happened to be walking through my hallway and the chair railing stood out as if a spotlight were put right on it. It was horrible. I was so embarressed and no one was even around. Dust, fur and anything else bordering on microscopic had made a home all along the top edge of the railing. To the glancing eye, it looked like nothing. To me, I about died. I am a little anal about these things. This week I took my Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and went to work. I dampened the eraser and washed the railing and took a dry rag and dried it right after. The result was something that made me smile. Something so simple it gets forgotten about, and something that in 10 minutes it made the house look that much better. I absolutely love my magic erasers!

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