Tuesday, September 26, 2006

In a rut...

It seems that I am in a rut. I get up, take a shower, eat cereal, do my hair, get dressed, and go to work. I become Mother Hen to over 150 kiddos each day. I give them my all, grade papers, go to meetings, counsel and love and then I go home. Sometimes I feel so bad for not being able to give Tyler more. Sometimes I am so tired, I have nothing more to give. This makes me worry.

What will it be like with a little one at home? Will I have anything left to give? I worry.

This year is my third year teaching at the school I have grown to love. I am known by all the students and can't go down the hall without being recognized or loved on. I love that. I need that. My kiddos have really become my life. They are so special to me. I care about how they feel and what they need. But sometimes I wonder if I give too much. I have never been this busy so frequently before. I am in a rut.

I miss making my Layouts. I don't have the energy to drag out all of my supplies. I miss that. I need to do it. I need to create. So tomorrow, after midterms go out, I am going to create. I don't know what pages I will do, but I need a release. I need to let go and be myself.

Tyler is making macaroni and cheese from scratch and I am melting into my couch. My very good friend turns 25 today and I only can wish her the best. Lord knows how I will be in 2 months when mine comes around. House hunting is starting to slowly make its way into our everyday lives. Realtors are being iffy. We will see how that goes. Thanks for reading, if you are out there. I needed this :)

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